Friday, October 05, 2007

Forward Motion!

I finished the black merino mittens! Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a picture of them before I gave them to my mom to give to her friend. Ah, well. Not much to see anyway. Just plain vanilla black mittens. That's one WIP checked off my list!

Here's what I'm currently working on:

A Baby Surprise Jacket (from EZ's Knitting Workshop). I'm just trying out the pattern, so I'm using some baby acrylic I have on hand for charity stuff. It'll probably go to the local hospital if it turns out cute. (So far so good.) I'm loving this pattern. It's really easy, and it's intriguing trying to figure out how the shaping will get you to a sweater in the end. EZ is just the most brilliant, clever knitter ever!

Crochet sampler baby afghan for friends who are expecting their second child. I have 4 squares to go, and then I have to decide on an edging.

On deck:

Refined Raglan from the Winter '06 IK. I think I'm going to try it in some Pistacchio Cotton Ease I have lying around(for me!)

A scarf for me from 100Purewool (stitch pattern yet to be decided)

Stocking cap and gaiter for DH for Christmas (probably EZ's Watch Cap, with the gaiter in the same stitch)

Play food and market bag for DS and niece and nephew for Christmas

I better get busy!


  1. I have been thinking about starting another BSJ ..I made one years ago for my now 8 year old GS..
    Maybe will make a girly one now for my 4 month old GD... :)

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    It all looks great!! I've got to get some knitting done. :)

  3. Pretty crochet...I love the refined look of all white.


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